With the current situation around the World due to the Covid-19 virus there is now a very high percentage of people who are now working from home. I have been working from home for large parts of the week for a while now so I am pretty used to it. What is different is having my husband here too and then from March 23rd my little boy as nursery is shutting for the foreseeable future so having a busier house will be interesting!

I wanted to share some of my tips for having a productive day when working from home in case any are useful to you over the coming weeks.
1. Get dressed!
As tempting as it is to sit around in your pyjamas until midday (…or all day!) it really helps to get up and get dressed. Wake up, have a shower and get dressed into clothes for the day. It helps to set your mind off into a forward motion rather than feeling sluggish because you are still in pyjamas.
2. Have a designated work space
Setting up camp on the sofa may seem like a great idea but it doesn’t work for work! Set up at the dining room table or set up a little corner somewhere so you can sit properly and have what you need laid out. At the end of the day you can pack it away properly, keep everything in one place and set up easily the following day.
3. Set out your day
At the end of each day work out what you are going to do the following day. Write it down like an itinerary you can follow. You work very differently at home compared to in the office so don’t try and do too much in one go. Break it up into chunks and put in regular coffee breaks! We don’t work 100% of the day when we are in the office so the same applies for at home too.

4. Get out of the house
Only having to walk downstairs or to another room as your morning commute is definitely a perk of working from home but it does make you realise you still need to get outside and breathe in some fresh air! Go out for a walk, pop to the shop or even just sit in the garden to have your coffee break will make a big difference to how clear your head feels.
5. Remember to have a lunch break!
Same as if you were in the office – you are still entitled to a lunch break so make sure you stop, eat and recharge before diving back in.
6. Online calendar
If you work in a job where you have a shared online calendar then need to remember to keep it up to date. This way if video conferences or meetings or phone calls need to be scheduled in then your colleagues know when you are free for them.
7. Keep in touch
If you are working from home alone then you may find that you go for long periods of time without speaking to someone! Find ways to touch base with colleagues whether it be via video calls or phone calls. My office have set up a daily zoom coffee break catch up. We can all log in to ‘see’ each other for a coffee and check in with each other for a chat. I think over the coming weeks where we don’t know how long we will be at home for this is going to be a great resource.

8. Create a rewards system
This may sound silly but creating a reward system for yourself actually works! Once you have done one of your tasks or finished a video call etc then reward yourself with something, could be a chocolate biscuit, watching a YouTube video, quick social media scroll, read a book or a walk around the block etc. It is an easy way to help you get things done and feel good!
9. Ban TV or social media!
Try not to break up the silence of being at home with the TV or social media – these are waaaay too distracting! Try to save these for your rewards (see previous point).
10. Create a nice ambience
Your home your rules! If you want to burn a candle then do it! Music is also key for me. It can be really quiet working from home compared to the office as you don’t have the usual hustle and bustle from other people. Sometimes it can be TOO quiet though. I often find that putting music on in the background helps to break the silence and creates a nice atmosphere.

These are all points that I find help me to be productive during the days when I am at home. It will be interesting to see how I get on with a 17 month old and husband both at home as well over the coming weeks/months…fingers crossed it is only a few weeks.
I think my husband and I will have to work in relays when our little boy is awake to make sure he is kept entertained and happy and cover for each other when we have virtual meetings and phone calls! Wishing everyone who is in this situation lots of luck.
Come and say Hi and join in the conversation over on my Instagram @acton.life.and.home